Robertson 5K Handicap
Results from the Robertson 5k Handicap with theladies leading the way, taking home an impressive 3 places within the top 4;
Janet Dunbar 22:44 (19:44)
Emily Ramsey 22:53 (20:53)
Jim Scott 22:55 (19:55)
Cath Ferry 23:11 (20:11)
Lewis Orr 23:40 (19:10)
Scott Henderson 23:51 (18:21)
Brian Howie 24:00 (24:00)
Anise Orr 24:14 (20:14)
Dave Clements 24:40 (20:40)
Mike Barton 24:42 (22:42)
David Steele 25:21 (23:21)
Eric Stevenson 25:43 (24:43)
Many congratulations to Janet, returning to form instyle to take both the race win and fastest female time. Special well done alsogoes to Scott, who recorded the quickest overall time from scratch.
As always these events can't happen without a greatgroup of both runners and volunteers, so behalf on Alex and I thanks again toall those who rocked up this morning - hope to see you again at the McDonaldhandicap later in the year.
Peter Simpson