Robertson Trophy 2015 - Meadows 5k Road Race 22/8/15

handicaptrophy01My thanks to all recorders and results team ,Catering by Andy “ birthday boy” Latham and stewards led by Field Marshall Lyndsay .A big thank you to BROOKS SHOES for their generous prizes and Gazebo.A big thank you to local brewery Barneys Beer for the drink station.Thanks to Alan Ramage photography .Well done you all.Dave Steele was the worthy winner of the Robertson Trophy, being first EAC person to cross line in the Handicap.New recruit won the Saturday squad “ effort “ trophyIan Craven won the sprint finish prize . Handicap and trophy winner Dave Steele             20.49G Beal                   vm                                                          17.27G Palmer             vf                                                            17.29L Wilson               sw                                                          17.56M Osmajets       sm                                                          17.57R Hamilton          vm                                                          17.59J Mowbray          sm                                                          18.12A Hunt                  sm                                                          18.15A Lathan              sv m                                                       18.31C Creegan           sv m                                                       19.05I Craven               sm                                                          19.06C Ferry                  vf                                                            19.48S McKenzie         sm                                                          20.22M Barton             vm                                                          20.39D Steele               svm                                                        20.49M Newnham     svm                                                        20.55A O'Neill             svm                                                        22.10S Ramage            svw                                                        22.40S Craven              sw                                                          24.52F Dougall              vw                                                          25.28J Whitehead       svm                                                        25.42E Stevenson       vvm                                                       25.52I Hall                      vm                                                          26.21Finally our thanks to Handicapper. With only three exceptions all predicted times within 30 seconds of actual or closer. The exceptions were last years winner: far too severe , this years winner far too generous; A MINUTE !! and new recruit Andy HuntAlex McEwen and Garry Robertsonhandicaptrophy02handicaptrophy03handicaptrophy05handicaptrophy06handicaptrophy04


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