Robertson trophy and Brooks UK Inspire coaching

edinacbrooksEAC has competed annually for this Robertson Trophy since 1926 . In a handicap format, first club member back wins trophy . Over years some fabby athletes have won as Eric Fisher, Lyndsay Robertson and more recently some ladies as Sharyn Ramage who have done so much representing the club. This year we had over thirty finishers in times ranging from a nippy 15.40 by Gavin Bryson to a respectable 22.21 by Sarah Cadenas who went next weekend to run a great marathon PBThe club handicap was another fundraising opportunity for SAMH. By coincidence we had two just giving sites for the same worthy cause ; SAMH . One site was set up by Emma Winning the other by Alex MacEwen for former club members Brian Winning and Andy Laird respectively.The latter was mainly supported by all those over the spring who were marathoning whether it was London, Manchester, Hamburg or Paris. You’ll have seen stories for both on site here., was nominated to BROOKS as one of their UK Inspire coaches. Part of the prize was thirty quality technical tee shirts branded with club logo. Alex decided to use them mainly as rewards to regular coaching helpers as Amanda, Garry, Argy, Chris and Matt and as prizes at club handicap in exchange for a donation to SAMH. They can be seen in this photo at end of Robertson Trophy Race. Indeed the trophy is gleaming in the Meadows


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