Robertsons 5K Handicap Winner

Handicap Winner

Times inside previous pbs were making there way to me left, right and center as the competition showed no sign of easing up as each week passed.

photo Tony Doyle

However after a bit of number crunching we do have a winner and I'm pleased to say John James Hancock J has take the 2021 Robertson 5k crown after setting a super time of 17:21 to smash an already impressive pb by more than 40 seconds. A top performance following a winter of hard training, which I'm sure you'll all agree makes John a more than worthy winner.

Current plan is to do a wee prize giving before Alex's 10am session on Saturday (June 5th), so if you're about (either to do the session of just to watch) please come along to pass on your congrats.

Mentions & Thanks

As always a whole host of people contributed to making these events a success so it's only right I pass on my thanks to;

  • Alex, Garry and Lewis Orr for all there wise words of wisdom helping me get things set up and keeping things in order at the start line
  • Stuart Johnston, Ewan Cameron, Iain MacDonald, Brecca Astrid and Iain Craven for helping set the pace at each event.
  • Richard Michael Clark, Dani P Rivera, Rachel Kline, Tony Doyle
    and all the other troops who were on hand to take a few swaps and encourage the runners along the way.
  • Peter Simpson


Josh Top in the USA


Robertsons 5K Race 5