Running Through History (The Toughie)
Results are in for "The Toughie". Delighted to announce Coach Alex is at the top of the leader board.
Good route choice trumpsall!!................or does it?
The final runners for our fourthvirtual race Running through History "The Toughie" might be at thebottom of the stats table, but as you all know the time taken to complete therun is only half the story.
Top marks also go to Max and Jane whoran in some pretty miserable weather, and just for fun Max took a detour upHare Hill! Those eagle eyed amongst you will notice they climbed 1,881 feet;without getting lost like some of the rest of us!!
Consensus from all who ran it wasgreat taking the time out to run a lesser trodden path away from it all, takingin the scenery and sounds of nature in deepest darkest Pentlands.
We're so fortunate to have the Pentlands in our backyard! time can we run with Alex!
Stop the press; so sorry but I have a new entrant(allowed as ran on Sunday and sent data thru but I had a technical glitchreceiving it)
We have a new runner at the top ofthe leader board. Kirk Ollason ran a very impressive 1:36:34. Kirk wasn't ableto do the first three races of the series Running through History, due to Covidrestrictions but was keen to support the challenge and especially pleased wekept the best for last. Congratulations Kirk
WELL DONE to all who participated
Shona Adam