Scottish Athletics National League

Thefirst match of the SNAL took place on Saturday and athletes enjoyed sunshineand a "back to the future" event where there was an inter clubelement. 

 The event was well supported by parents,Edinburgh officials, and coaches.

 The new format provides competition for allthose in the club wishing to compete in the U17 to Senior age groups and it wasfantastic to see some of our Master athletes, enjoying the experience.  

Fullresults and points totals for each age group can be found below but the overallteam rankings show EAC, sitting in second position only 52.5 points behindVPCOG, with  the U17 Women and the Senior men, leading the way with firstplace finishes.

There were individual wins and maximum points from
 Rory Brogan in the U17 100m with a PB of 11.25 into a -1.3 wind, 
 Mateo Hughes in the U20 event with a legal PB time of 11.45,
and it was a 1,2 in the Mens 400m with
Max Leslie winning in a PB of 48.62
Bradley Francis finishing in 2nd place in a PB time of 49.76. 

Mateo, Max, Bradley and Samuel Okpadje stormed to victory in the 4x100 relay.

 There was a 2nd place finish for both theSenior Women's relay and the U17 women's relay.

Not to be outdone by her sister Hannah Cameron who for many years an EAC stalwart, until she relocated to Aberdeen, set a huge PB in the 800m,
Carolyn Cameron recorded a PB of 10. 29.94 in finishing 2nd in the Womens 3K. 

Thiswas an excellent start and registration for  Match 2 in Aberdeen on the28th  May will be sent out when we have full details of the events andtimetable. 

Therewill be a free coach to the event and Aberdeen is an excellent venue with afast track.

It would be fantastic to see as many athletes as possible, representing the cluband consolidating EAC's position as contenders for the number 1 position. 

Fullresults can be downloaded here:

Moira Maguire


British Masters 10K


Tom Scott 10 mile Scottish Championships