Scottish Indoor League and Relay Final
Sunday 16th March, Emirates Arena, GlasgowI BELIEVE THERE IS ROAD WORKS ON THE M8 - probably quiet at that time of the morning but just in case bus now leaving at 9.30 MB and 9. 50 PC world - please confirm by text that you have received this email and noted change of leaving MB thanks YvonneThe order of events/timetable for the meeting is below. Please arrive an hour before your event or earlier to support the teams.The bus is £5 please remember there is a charge of £2 to compete if you are not getting the bus. The bus has been booked for return 6.30 so we should be back in Edinburgh an hour after this. Athletes will be asked to phone when we are leaving again nearer to PC world or MB.The following teams qualified for the final - we have 1 relay team in all age groups (2 U17 Men)U11 boys teamU13 boys team A & B, U13 girls team A & B,U15 boys team A & B, U15 girls A teamU17 men A team, U17 women A teamU20 men A team, U20 women A teamA great result - only 6 teams in each age group go through to the final and there are medals for the top three teams in each age group - so run fast and jump and throw far.Its finals so remember blue hair dye or facepaints in EAC colours - that's the parents!Yvonne 07746457315If you don't know what event you are doing yet please text me.Entry shall be by programme costing at £2.00 with the proceeds going to charity.EAC will also be selling a variety of items to both athletes and spectators in order to raise money. We are looking for athletes or siblings to help sell these items. Any parent able to help sell programmes at the door would be much appreciated -mainly just at the beginning when can you let me know.We would also appreciate any help with admin - again let me know. The time spent can act as some of the 6 hours you agreed by signing the parent's code of conduct.Qualifiers for the final of the relays will be the fastest 6 teams in each age group12:00 *4 x 200m Relay Heats/Finals*1. *Top 6 times in heats make the final *(no guaranteed qualification for winning a heat). After all that's how we run the league meetings - fastest times get top points.2. *Final seeded lanes according to qualifying time* - lane seed order, 1st - lane 4, 2nd - lane 5, 3rd - lane 3, 4th - lane 6, 5th - lane 2 & 6th - lane 1*Track - straight Field*14:00 60m A String U11G * 12:30 Long Jump U13B14:03 60m B String U11G *12:30 Shot Putt U17M14:06 60m U13G *12.30 Shot Putt U20M14:09 60m U15G *13:00 High Jump U13G14:12 60m U17W *13:00 Long Jump U15B14:15 60m U20W *13:00 High Jump U15G14:20 60m A String U11B *13:00 High Jump U17W14:23 60m B String U11 * 13:00 High Jump U20W14:26 60m U13B *13:30 Long Jump U17M14:29 60m U15B *13:30 Shot Putt U17W14:32 60m U17M *13:30 Long Jump U20M14:35 60m U20M *13:30 Shot Putt U20W15:00 60m Hurdles U13G *14:15 Shot Putt U15B15:05 60m Hurdles U15G *14:15 Long Jump U17W15:10 60 Hurdles U13B *14:15 Long Jump U20W15:20 60m Hurdles U17W *14:15 Shot Putt U13B15:25 60m Hurdles U15B *15:30Long Jump U15G15:30 60m Hurdles U20W *15:00 Shot Putt U15G15:40 60m Hurdles U17M *15:00 High Jump U13B15:45 60m Hurdles U20M *15:00 High Jump U15B*15:00 High Jump U17M*15:00 High Jump U20M *Track - circular*14:40 800m U17W *15:00 Long Jump U13G14:45 800m U17M *15:30 Shot Putt U13G14:50 800m U20W *16:00 Standing Long Jump U11G14:55 800m U20M *16:00 Triple Jump U17M15:20 600m A String U11G *16:00 Triple Jump U20M15:25 600m B String U11G *16:30 Standing Long Jump U11B15:30 600m A String U11B *16:30 Triple Jump U17W15:35 600m B String U11B *16:30 Triple Jump U20W16:00 800m U13G16:05 800m U13B16:10 800m U15G16:15 800m U15B16:20 200m U13G16:24 200m U15G16:28 200m U17W16:32 200m U20W16:35 200m U13B16:38 200m U15B16:41 200m U17M16:47 200m U20M16:50 300m U17W16:55 300m U15G17:00 400m U15B17:05 400m U17M17:10 400m U20W17:15 400m U20M *17:20 Relay finals (as required)**Presentations*