Scottish National Athletics League Match 2

After2 matches in the SNAL VPCOG are currently in the lead with 1176 points withEdinburgh AC sitting in 2nd place with 1104.5 points. The U17 Women again cameout on top, matched this time by the U17 Men and Senior men, who also finishedin top place in Aberdeen. 

Fullresults, team scores and League records can be viewed via this link >>>SNALMatch 2 Results. A number of  EAC athletes are showingas league record holders, which is excellent. 

Photos taken at the match can also be viewed via this link.

Resultsshow very strong performances on the track and gutsy relay runs gave the club 3wins in the 4x400 relays.  There were strong performances  and PBs onboth the track and in the field, but it was the lack of depth and no entries insome  field events that cost the team a win at this match.   

Thisis a “new” league and we think it offers all club members an appropriate levelof competition in the events they have been training for.  All athletes,who have  not yet competed in this league for U17, U20 and Seniors, areurged to  pull on the club vest and play their part as EAC aim to regaintheir position as Scotland’s top athletics club. 

Thethird match of the Scottish National Athletic League (SNAL) will be held onSunday 18th June at Grangemouth Sports Centre. Athletes and information hasbeen sent to all athletes, coaches and officials encouraging them  torepresent the club at this match. 

MoiraMaguire on behalf of team managers 

YvonneJones and Bill Walker. 


New Scottish Record


Jessica runs for Scotland