Scottish U17 and Senior Championships
Well done toall our medal winners at the U17 and Seniors Championships.
Rosie Elizabeth Browne 3rd Pole Vault
Alexandra Burns 3rd Triple Jump
Gillian Cooke 2nd Pole Vault
Shona Crossan 2nd Shot Put
Emma Nuttall 1st High Jump
Michael Olsen 1st 60m
Catriona Pennet 3rd 60mH
Sandy Wilson 2nd 200m
Sarah Warnock 2nd Long Jump
Fabian Despinoy 1st 800m
Calum Holmes 1st 60m, 2nd 200m
Katie Johnson 1st 1500m (U15)
Kasper Lemvig-Allan 3rd Shot Put
Ellie O’Hara 1st Triple Jump. 1st Long Jump (Both jumps set new National Indoor Records)