Senior Cross Country Grand Prix - Pre National Cross Country
Senior Cross Country Grand Prix - Pre National Cross CountryFor the old timers or those that remember my chat from the Christmas night out, we run a cross country grand prix.Apologies for not getting results up until now, but thought I would collate before the final event this weekend to add a little bit of spice to the mix.Spreadsheets with all the results and standings are attached below.
- On the female side it is very close - Only 1 point separates Lauren and Katie, with Rebecca breathing down their necks
- On the male side, Leon has been a bit of a spoilsport and ran fast in almost every race! Plenty of tight calls after Leon though for bragging rights in the Pub!
If anyone spots any inaccuracies in the results, please help me fill in missing details ( and I will update before the final standings.MALE LISTSFEMALE LISTS
PDF versions
MALEFEMALEFor those new to the Cross Country Grand Prix, the scoring works as follows:Scoring SystemA spreadsheet will record the times of all EAC athletes at all cross country events and their position relative to all EAC runners.
- The idea is pretty simple, you score points by running for EAC at any cross country event and the number of points available depends on how many other EAC runners are taking part.
- You will get credit for turning up and flying the EAC flag at any cross country race, but smaller low key races will have fewer runners so therefore fewer points available, championship events will have large numbers and therefore more points on offer.
- If for example: at the East District Relays, 20 senior men take part, 1st place gets 20 points, down to 1 point for 20th If say at Braid Hills CC, only 3 EAC runners take part, 1st place gets 3 points 2nd 2 points 3rd 1 point.
- This effectively gives weighting to the bigger events, but still gives some recognition to the smaller events, since it is good for the club to get our name seen at all races.
- That’s all there is to it, the Grand Prix rules need to be simple so that results are produced as soon as possible after each race (and also to ensure it is easy to compile!).
Within the spreadsheet, the various tabs show:
- Cross country fixtures
- Current Grand Prix Standings
- Results of each race (a comparison is also shown to last year. You can’t really compare times directly as courses and conditions vary, but you can compare relative times with other people)
The results will be taken from the official websites,Some prizes will be awarded at the annual endurance xmas dinner – but the main point is a bit of fun / bragging rights with club mates.