Senior Endurance Awards
Edinburgh Athletic Club’s senior squad recently hosted a successful Gala Awards Night. The event was highly-anticipated after a 3-year break due to the pandemic, with a large attendance celebrating team and individual accomplishments at all levels during the past season.
Trophies were presented to a numberof athletes for high achievement. Winners of the Club’s annual Cross-CountryGrand Prix championships were JanetDunbar and Myles Bax, both of whom consistently excelled at races all overScotland.
Janet was delighted to take the title, saying: “I love cross-country running –the grass, trees, hills and trails, as well as the atmosphere on race day andthe social side too. Running for a team really motivates me to do my best formy club-mates. There are a lot of good names on that trophy and I am chuffed tohave my name alongside them!”
The Club’s Road Race Grand Prixtitles were awarded to Sarah Brown andMax Meres, who each had outstanding seasons on the roads. Max commented: “Ireally enjoyed my road racing this year. My highlight was the Scottish HalfMarathon, held just outside Edinburgh. I ran 73:57 which was a new PersonalBest, and managed to finish in the top 10. It was a real honour to be awardedthe Road Race Grand Prix title, and it is testament to all the hard work put inby the Club’s coaches and volunteers.”
The “Most Improved Athlete” award went to John Lenehan, while Kevin Hamilton and Andrej Kujikis were awarded Club entries to the prestigious London Marathon in April 2023.
RichardClark fittingly won the“Volunteer Of The Year” award, with club coach and stalwart Alex MacEwen effusive in his praise,saying: “Richard has been a super Club volunteer over a number of years. He isa great communicator, and uses a range of creative media to keep club membersmotivated and aware of what’s going on. He has recently taken up a role in theClub’s Welfare and Safeguarding group, he organised the entire Awards Night,and he’s also an excellent baker, keeping everyone well-fed at the races!”
The ever-modest Alex MacEwen has been a major figurewithin the Club for decades. Following the redevelopment and re-opening of theCapital’s Meadowbank Stadium earlier this year, it was fitting that his namewas immortalised on Meadowbank’s grand “wall of fame” for his enormouscontribution to athletics over the years.
Alex continued: “The club has had a great yearcoming out of the pandemic, and it is great to have Meadowbank open again. Wehad athletes winning medals at World and Commonwealth levels, on the track,road, trails and mountains. Our domestic scene is strong too, and we areprominent at athletics events all over Scotland. So many people step up tovolunteer within the Club, they put huge numbers of hours in, and it’s good tosee people celebrating all of this!”
John Lenehan