sport reliefEDINBURGH and KILBARCHAN ATHLETICSCLUBSWOULD LIKE YOU TO HELP US RAISE FUNDS FOR SPORTS RELIEF & THE INDOOR LEAGUE As usual we will be selling the Programme(expertly prepared by David Cunningham)for just £3.00  …and collecting  your loose change at the SAIL FINAL Sunday 20 March, 2016  Commonwealth Arena, Glasgow Many Thanks   Yvonne Jones and David CunninghamAnyone willing to help sell items for sports relief on the day please let me know.Entry will be by programme cost £3.00 mainly for parents/spectators also to raise money  to give the officials a wee something as a thank you as we could not compete without them!We are also raising funds for a chosen charity this year help Em raise awareness through the sale of the programme.  Hope you can all support this as many of you knew Brian Winning. (Scottish Association for Mental Health)


Chris Through to Final


Indoor League