SYAL Timetable
On the previous post I had forgot to upload the timetable and the message posted was refering to the Boys Team only, the Girls should refer to the letter from Enid Scottish Young Athletes League, Sunday 24th AprilHere is the timetable for next Sunday. YAL Central Division TimetableGirls Team: Enid Johnston is team manager and has sent out letters to the athletes selected with times and asking that they are at the stadium one hour before their eventBoys Team: Most of you now know the events you have been selected for - those who do not, I will text or email separately.As I said in my text I would like us all to be there for 11.30 (11:00 if you event is at 12.00) but can understand if you event is not until later in the day but please be there at least an hour before your event in order for you to warm up etc.If anyone needs a lift please let me know asap.Yvonne 07746457315