UKA Level 1 Official's Training Course at Meadowbank
You will recall that last month I extended an invitation to anyone interested in an introduction to athletics officiating to be held at Meadowbank.Following feedback I can now confirm that the training course has been arranged for Thursday 16th December 2010, between 6-9pm at Meadowbank.The course tutor is Shona Malcolm, who is a very experienced UKA Level 3 Official and trainer. The course is designed to give you an insight into all the disciplines of officiating i.e. Track, Field, Starter & Administration. It is thereafter up to yourself if you wish to follow this up and try your hand at officiating at events with the view to being upgraded to UKA Level 2. We are aware that many of you may have junior athletes training at Meadowbank on the night. To try and accommodate this we are hoping that there will be a practical session circa 8:15 -8:45pm at the trackside and if you wish your boy / girl to be a ‘competing athlete’ during the session so much the better.The training course will be available to all athletic clubs in the Lothian area and whilst the cost of the course is £10.00 for each participant, I can confirm that the EAC Executive Committee have agreed that the club will pay the course fees for any participant who is directly associated with the Edinburgh Athletic Club as parent or helper. Twelve places have been reserved for EAC.What happens next?- Send me an E-Mail confirming that you wish to participate in the course and I will ensure your details are register with Scottish Athletics. Then diary the event and turn up on the night. See you there.Brian Nisbet'Membership Secretary'E-Mail: