YDL U17/20 UK Final
Team Edinburgh finished in a very commendable 4thplace at the Upper YDL Finals in Manchester.
Blackheath and Bromley 903
Shaftesbury Barnet 776
Team Avon 587
Team Edinburgh 576.5
Kingdom Athletics 564
Birchfield 556
In near perfect conditionsthere were a number of PB performances and a total of 53 medals were won.
Huge thanks to the athletes, coaches, officials,parents and the club exec, who have supported the team this season. Specialthanks to Brian Nisbet, who organises all the transport and accommodation,Moira Nisbet, who does a wonderful job in ensuring our officials always gainmaximum points and to Gary Leek, who took over 2000 photos over the weekend.
Moira and Keith