Edinburgh AC Endurance Awards

Edinburgh Athletic Club’s senior endurance squad recently hosted its annual end-of-season awards night. Always an eagerly-anticipated evening, it gives clubmates the chance to swap running kit for more glamorous attire, and also to reflect back on what has been a very successful 2024 season.

Organiser-in-chief Richard Clark commented: “It’s great to celebrate the successes of such a diverse range of athletes that we have in our club. It’s also a chance to acknowledge and thank all of the volunteers within the club who so readily give up their time to support the squad in so many different ways.”

Presentations were made to the winners of the club’s track, cross-country and road race championships. Beth Ansell, Kirsty Walker and Anise Macaulay Orr were the top three ladies on the track, while the men’s top three were Peter Cameron, Declan Murray and Pierre-Yves Koenig.

In the cross-country championship, Merce Sanchez Oller, Isla Scott-Pearce and Lauren Stoddart were the top three ladies. Jennifer Maclean won the F40 title, Janet Dunbar won the F50 title and Anne Duncan won the F60 title. Iain Whitaker won the men’s title with Mark MacDermot second and Ewan Egan third. Gordon Pryde won the M40 title, Gavin Phillip won the M50 title and David Steele won the M60 title.

In the road race championship, Rose Penfold won the ladies’ title with Doireann Hughes in second and Isabella Ellwood in third. F40, F50 and F60 winners were Hazel MacCormick, Karen Dobbie and Sharyn Ramage. John Lenehan won the men’s title with Max Meres in second and Darrin Pryde third. Category winners were Stuart Johnston at M40, Michael Fullerton at M50 and Stephen Ingledew at M60.

Top female Rose Penfold said: “I was delighted to win the road race championship this year. My friend and training buddy Doireann Hughes won it last year, and there wasn’t much between us this year! In the first half of the year I built nicely into the Edinburgh half marathon in May where I had a strong run despite the weather. A month later I found out I was pregnant, so the second half of the year has looked a lot different! I haven’t done any racing, but I’ve continued to run and I’ve done some swimming and yoga too. A big thanks to the coaches and volunteers at the club who make everything happen, and to my clubmates who continue to inspire me!”

Club coach Lewis Orr presented the award for “Most Improved Athlete” to Beth Ansell, saying: “Everyone wants to improve as an athlete. Seeing our athletes improve and set PBs is so rewarding. Beth is so deserving of this award – she has battled injuries and illness, but has delivered some awesome performances this year at distances from 400m up to 10km.”

Stuart Johnston won the “Volunteer Of The Year” award for all the time and effort he has put in over the years organising and administrating the club championships. Stuart is also a leading figure within the club, and still shows no sign of slowing down as an athlete!

Tributes were also paid to lead club coach Alex MacEwen. For over 40 years Alex has been the heart and soul of the club, but due to difficult personal circumstances he was unable to attend the awards night this year. Everyone at Edinburgh AC sends best wishes to Alex and partner Helen.

The evening was a great success, and with such a strong membership base and fantastic club spirit, Edinburgh AC can look forward to 2025 with much optimism.
John Lenehan


Scottish Indoor Athletics League - Match 2


Gold for Jake, Silver for Jess