Youth Development League Scottish Final

We finished 4th in the Scottish Final of the YDL, with so many athletes unavailable it was never going to be possible to finish in the top three, but for the athletes who did compete there were many fine performances as can be seen from the medal list below.

U15 Boys
Rory Bryce 3rd 1500m A
Jayden Chun 3rd 100m Relay
Hamish Dryden 2nd High Jump A, 1st Shot Put B
Mattt Dryden 3rd 100m A,  1st 200m B, 3rd 100m Relay, 2nd 300m Relay
Lennox Kunath 2nd Shot Put A, 3rd Hammer A,
Andrew Leighton 2nd 800m A
lLukas Sonneville 2nd 300m Relay
Fergus Wilson 1st 100m B, 3rd 100m Relay, 2nd 300m Relay
Charlie Windsor-McKenzie 1st 300m A,  1st High Jump B, 3rd 100m relay, 2nd 300m Relay

U13 Boys
Toby Comer 3rd 800m A
Rory Log 3rd Shot Put A
Conor McNab 2nd 1200m A
James Walker1st Javelin A ,

U13 Girls
Masie Brown 3rd 800m A
Lainee Delmaestro 3rd 70mH A, 1st 100m Relay
Emi Daunt 1st 1200m B
Alish De Luca-Rennie 2nd 1200m A
Georgie Innes 3rd  Javelin A
Aoiffion McVittie-Brangan, 1st 100m A, 1st 200m A, 3rd Long Jump A, 1st 100m Relay
Abbie Moffat 3rd High Jump A
Zoe O’Connor 1st 100m Relay
Rosie Rudkin 1st 100m B, 1st 200m B, 1st 100m Relay

Thanks to all the Officials and helpers who are all volunteers and without you we would not have such and enjoyable and well run league.

Team managers Yvonne Jones, John Glenn and Derek Cogle



Forth Valley League


Scottish Vests for Louis, Matilda and Kirsty