Braids Hill Race

The Edinburgh University Hare and Hounds would like to invite your club to the Braids hill race 2014 taking place on Saturday 15th November.The race is a challenging 5 kilometre loop of braids hill golf course for women and two loops for men. The route offers stunning views of central Edinburgh and Arthurs Seat. Fell or studded racing shoes are recommended, but not spikes as much of the course runs over a gravel bridle path.The race attracts runners with a wide range of abilities and also a great atmosphere as a result of university running teams coming to compete from across the British Isles.Entries at: if you think your club would like to enter a large group of runners, team entry forms are available here: braids2014teamentryformMore information on the race can be found on the Hare and Houndswebsite: you have any more questions please contact me on this email address.We would love to see you at a race which is always a highlight of the XC season.James BrysonRace Organiser_Edinburgh University Hare & Hounds_


Senior Cross Country Grand Prix 2014 / 2015


National 4 x 4K Cross Country Relays