Carly Beattie
CARLY BEATTIEIt was a tremendous shock when I received a phone call today (Friday) to inform me of the death of one of my sprinters. Carly Beattie was a regular sprint member during her career in athletics with Edinburgh AC. She was selected for EAC teams / Leagues for all the age groups and represented Scotland in the Celtic Games and Celtic Cup.Carly (21) was studying for an Air Transport Degree at Buckinghamshire New University, where she was studying to become a commercial pilot. She had gone to the USA to complete the Commercial Pilot Training, having obtained her Private Pilot’s Licence.Her parents and brother had gone to visit her before she returned home to Edinburgh. Tom, her father, took an active role in coaching EAC athletes and had telephoned me last week to say they would be back down at Meadowbank at the end of June.
Carly had hired a Cessna 152 aircraft and took her brother Daniel on a flight over the Blue Cypress Lake area in Florida. When they had not returned at the scheduled time a search was set up and they were traced from a signal from Carly’s phone. It appeared that the plane had nose-dived and hit a tree in a swampy area in Indian River County. Both were dead when found.
Tom Beattie has phoned me and will keep him informed about developments, as an investigation has to be undertaken to determine the cause of the crash. I Have asked Tom if he would have any objections if a memorial race was set up in Carly’s name. This will also have to be discussed and approved by the club committee. Tom said it would be an honour.
Details of funeral arrangement will be posted on the website once the family are back home.Bill Walker