EAC Road Race Grand Prix 2015 - Final Results

Renault and Garry win Inaugural Edinburgh AC Road Race Grand prixThe Inaugural Edinburgh AC Road Race Grand Prix drew to a close last weekend with the Parkrun races in Edinburgh and the Great Scottish Run Half Marathon.The provisional final results are now available and barring appeals, mistakes or failed drug tests, Neil Renault has won the men’s championships with 717 points and Charlotte Garry has won the women’s championship with 477 points. Well done to both of you.All prizes will be awarded at the EAC Christmas Night out on Saturday 12th December – Further details of this to follow!Men’s championshipIn the men’s championship a fantastic 21 completed five qualifying races.Neil Renault left it to the very last race to complete his five qualifying races and with a fantastic run at the Great Scottish Run (GSR) overtook long time series leader Bryan Mackie, who finished the season in style with a PB and a superb 69minute GSR to secure the runners-up spot. Stuart ‘Disco Stu’ Johnston rounded out the podium following another PB performance at the GSR.Adam Rouse also left it to the last race to secure his fifth qualifying run, but it was enough to help him take the V40 championships ahead of Colin McGill.In the V50 category, David Cross won the championship with despite the efforts of Chris Creegan who finished a strong second, and Eric Stevenson once again proved that age is a barrier to nothing in powering to the V60 championships.The final table of results listed below are:

Position Athlete Age Category Total
1 Neil Renault Sen 717
2 Bryan Mackie Sen 695
3 Stuart Johnston Sen 672
4 Adam Rouse V40 658
5 Leon Johnson Sen 654
6 Nicholas Wolverson Sen 619
7 Colin McGill V40 600
8 Richard Cockbain Sen 594
9 Ross Murray Sen 573
10 Owain Williams Sen 570
11 Madis Osjamets Sen 566
12 Keith Dunlop Sen 561
13 John Mowbray Sen 549
14 Robert Hamilton V40 542
15 Andrew Latham V40 533
16 Neil Jack Sen 532
17 David Cross V50 528
18 Malcolm Parry V40 515
19 Iain Craven Sen 505
20 Chris Creegan V50 502
21 Eric Stevenson V60 309
V40 Adam Rouse V40 658
V50 David Cross V50 528
V60 Eric Stevenson V60 309

The full tables can be viewed here: 10_08_15 EAC-Road-Race-Championship-Male (Final 2015)Please scrutinise your results and if you have any queries then please email Richard Meade on richardmeade13@hotmail.comAny queries must be lodged by the 31st October. The final results will be verified and published in November.Women’s ChampionshipIt may have taken a bit of time for the women’s championship to get going, but in the end there was lots of great competition for both the overall title and the V40 championship, which was great to see. Six women managed to complete the five qualifying races to secure an overall position, but there were another seven who completed four races, so still quite a bit of interest.Long-time leader, Charlotte Garry, lodged a final Parkrun on Saturday, and despite the best efforts of Hannah Waugh at the GSR on Sunday Charlotte remained clear on points to win the championships.Karen Dobbie rounded out the podium following a great run at the GSR and also in the process edged past Elaine Davies to secure the V40 championship.

Position Athlete Age Category Total
1 Charlotte Garry Sen 477
2 Hannah Waugh Sen 457
3 Karen Dobbie V40 427
4 Elaine Davies V40 380
5 Sarah Cadenas Sen 189
6 Holly Ennis Sen 60
V40 Karen Dobbie V40 427

The full tables can be viewed here:  10_08_15 EAC-Road-Race-Championship-Female (Final 2015)Please scrutinise your results and if you have any queries then please email Richard Meade on richardmeade13@hotmail.comAny queries must be lodged by the 31st October. The final results will be verified and published in November.FinallyThanks to everyone for taking part and making it such a good competition. I hope everyone has enjoyed it.It will definitely be back next year.If you have any suggestions, comments or feedback I would be very interested to hear it. We will be reviewing this year’s championships and making any improvements for next spring.Please email me any and all thoughts: richardmeade13@hotmail.com 


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