Edinburgh AC Virtual 2 Miles
EAC Grand Prix Race 4 - Final Results
Race Report
Intense heat, sunshine,warmness, coldness, deceptive wind and unexpected rain - a Scottish week really can throw every weather symbol on the map at you, and each seemed to find itself on an excuse list somewhere as the results submissions filtered their way in to my inbox
Despite the "challenging" conditions we had another great turn out for race 4 of the series, with 63 runners getting their racing flats back out to have a crack at 2 miles - a deceptively long race, which seemed to provide unanimous agreement that running for 10 - 15 minutes is a very long time!Fastest man round this time was Stuart Johnston who clocked a highly impressive 10:03, just edging out a blister wounded Neil Renault in to second place by 2 seconds. Neil still holds the lead in the overall rankings but with just 3 points separating them it's all still to play for going in to the last 2 race.
Chloe Cox was the first lady "across the line" in 11:39, putting in another solid showing to widen the gap at the top of the ladies leaderboard. A fascinating battle is going on for 4th place with Becca Astrid, Isla Rose and Victoria Bailie all tied on 273 points - I'm not sure how my spreadsheet has ordered the three of you so hopefully you'll all have moved on to different scores after the next race.
In the handicap another impressive outing from Robin Kyle, who netted yet another pb with a time of 10:28, has seen him stretch further in front and get the champagne put on ice! Lot of good performances going on underneath him, with excellent winter training seeing Jocelyn Moar, Peter Graham and Lyndsey Fraser deservedly taking up the next 3 positions.
View the results on the Edinburgh AC Endurance Facebook page.
Races 5 & 6
Next up is the long one, with the EAC GP hosting our very own virtual kilomathon over the 13.1 kilometre distance - starting from next Friday (10/06) to the following Thursday (16/06)
After that we're going to take a slightly extended break and move the 5k back a week to July.
We've decided to do this to support some virtual races Adrian from Run and Become has put on in replacement of the popular Meadows summer series.As I'm sure you all know, Adrian has done a great deal for the Edinburgh running community over the years so we feel it's only right to free up the calendar a bit and support his events;
- June 21st => Virtual 10k
- June 27th - 29th => Virtual 1 mile relay (teams of 3)
Registration for these is done on the Run & Become website below and it would be great if we had a strong EAC turn out at these too.https://uk.srichinmoyraces.org/races/edinburghAs always thanks to all those taking part in the EAC Grand Prix - it's great that the turnout has stayed strong and your all out there having fun, doing what we like most and getting some good times banked in the process.
Until next time. Peter Simpson