Neil Donachie
Everyoneat EAC has been saddened to hear of the passing of Neil Donachie. He was a trueathletics aficionado, with a passion and enthusiasm for athletics, both Trackand Field and off road. My earliest memories of Neil are as anadministrator and Team Manager of EAC men, when they competed in theBritish Athletics League, and he remained hugely supportive of the club’sinvolvement in this higher-level competition pathway.
Inmy time as President Neil served on the committee and most recently was amember of the subgroup, which worked with Edinburgh leisure andscottishathletics to deliver the new Meadowbank. His advice and ideas were muchappreciated.
They were a family with athletics in their blood and Neil and Marion were 2 ofthe most loyal officials a club could ever ask for. Always available andwilling to go the extra mile to ensure officials were well catered for at club,league, cross country, and road events.
Neil will be sorelymissed and our thoughts are with Marion and the family.
Moira Maguire
President of EAC.