Neil Donachie

Neil Donachie : a personal appreciation by Alex MacEwen EAC Endurance manager. With a nod of thanks  to Alex Jackson , Scottish Distance Running History and the archive of Road Running and Cross country commission

Neil   had a “long and distinguished career inScottish athletics as a runner, official and administrator” I see in the clubminutes in 1982 when I joined Neil was in the Executive chair of EAC . Also onthe Exec were Keith Ridley, dougie Hunter , Dave Watson and the late RobinMorris and Claude Jones . Neil started out as a member of the Edinburgh Roversand Scouts club as a Youth in 1949/50 who morphed  into Braidburn AC in 1952/53 and then in theearly 1960’s Edinburgh AC .The most recent amalgamations to City Of Edinburghand then EAC again ,   Neil remained notonly  a member but a very activeExecutive member .

A goodcross-country and road runner who turned out in the prestigious Edinburgh toGlasgow road relay, District cross country relays  as well as National cross countrychampionships. Just to put some numbers on this , he ran last leg of theEdinburgh to Glasgow in the early sixties Only the top 20 clubs in Scotlandwere invited to enter this and every club put its best 8 men into their team, asan aside he encouraged me to put in EAC team a woman from the club who ran forScotland at the CG marathon .

At districtlevel  cross country relays Neil oftenmade” A” team for Braidburn (finishing 2nd in 1955 ) and later withEAC In 1957 he ran second fastest lap of the district relay. At the nationalchampionships his best position was 57th and although tricky to compare timesover various conditions, ran 40 minutes for a tough 7.5 miles.

Neil  was principally a track runner who specialised in the half mile distance. I remember in his house Neil telling me of his unique silk running vest as he sought to improve.  He ran well in track championships with PB at 880yds in 1: 54 and mile in 4:25, Neil ran all over Scotland in handicap races – a form of competition he encouraged and he supported me in hosting the club’s annual McDonald and Robertson Trophy Handicaps .  In 1963 he won the Robertson Handicap Trophy

After hisrunning career, Neil’s “love of the sport led him into administration andofficiating, he worked at club level, at District and at National levels asboth administrator and official “ His contribution at three Commonwealth gameswas “ immense” , vastly experienced and a team player he could lead yet quietlycarry out whatever tasks you gave him, he encouraged, supported and guided me and many others whether it wasschool cross country competitions , British track league , club races as Queensdrive Race , the Law Race , Edinburgh to North Berwick road race , the variousroad races at Cramond hosted by the club and Highland Games fundraisers, Ifound him super knowledgeable and helped me avoid rookie mistakes. In the goodold days when EAC were in British League, I remember Neil teaming me with lead officials in long jump, pole vaultand hammer throwing I think his sense of humour showed one Saturday when he had me and Martin Craven on the hammer That wasa tiring afternoon .

At a verypersonal level, I looked forward to events where Neil and Marion were helpingEarly to arrive, last to leave after tidying .Always an encouraging word forEAC participants . And over a cup of tea super stories from his life inathletics .

Alex MacEwan


Junior Hill Running International


Neil Donachie