An excellent day was had by all at Team Edinburgh AC today at Grangemouth for the first of the YDL upper age group league matches for u17 and u20. Going straight to the top of the league.
1 Team Edinburgh 680
2 Team Glasgow 639
3 Kingdom 587.5
4 Gateshead 501.5
5 Leeds City 498
6 City of York 488
A copy of the provisional results is can be found below. If you think there are any errors please let Keith Ridley know.
Our next match is in 4 weeks time, Sunday 29th May, at Gateshead. This will mean an early start with buses probably leaving Meadowbank about 7.30am that morning. It would be helpful to know in advance whether or not you will be available for selection.
Provisional results can be downloaded HERE
Great work everyone
Keith Ridley
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