Sainsbury’s, Meadowbank Bag Packing
Thanks to everyone who supported this event
Saturday 27th February, 2010
We raised £1280.30 which was a great achievement!
We should also receive an additional £500 thanks to Moira Nisbet, who’s employers donate to Charity work actioned by their staff under Matched Giving.
Yvonne Jones & Gail Wilson, Parents’ Group (currently holidaying in the Bahamas!)
Edinburgh Athletic Club, registered charity Number SC041013
What a boost to club funds! That really is fantastic. Well done everyone who took part, especially Yvonne and Gail for all the hard work.
Well done indeed – but we didn’t know anything about it! How were members notified of the event ?
Hi Dave
I think Gail and Yvonne contacted the young athletes at Meadowbank, also there were two postings on the web site asking for volunteers.