I am delighted to announce that the first batch of kit has arrived and our athletes were looking great in it at training this week and at the East Districts.

The next order window is Now LIVE and the CLOSING DATE Is 31/5. You orders will arrive at my house for distribution approx 6-8 weeks from the closing date.
The link: https://edinburghathleticsclub.zeonshops.co.uk/
Please note you have to register an account FIRST to see the prices
There will be other windows available throughout the year (dates tbc).
I have a stock of vests/croptops for new members who miss the window or those who are competing soon. You will still be able to wear your current vest/croptop but it would be great to see everyone change over to the new kit. Only the vest/croptop is for competing. If anyone wishes to try these including the female sprint shorts before purchasing let me know I can come to one of the training venues or make an alternative pickup point.
Yvonne Jones
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