Pilates classes starting in January

Floating into the New Year

Being able to move smoothly & efficiently is great isn’t it? And feeling that your core is strong and supporting your back is even better. After the excesses of Christmas are over I think we’re all looking to take control of our own bodies and health again! So do give me a call or email to book your space now.

Classes are based in a lovely studio within Renew Physio on Canning Street (near Haymarket/Shandwick Place) with a heated floor to keep us cosy right through the winter.

Those all important details:

When? 8 week block starting Monday 9th or Wednesday 11th January


  • Monday 7pm – class for runners, cyclists & triathletes
  • Monday 8pm – class for runners, cyclists & triathletes (only 2 spaces remaining)
  • Wednesday 12:30pm – general class

Cost? The 8 week block costs £56

Who? No previous experience required. Over 16’s only.

  • Monday classes – runners, cyclists or triathletes of any level
  • Wednesday class – anyone wanting to improve their core strength, back health & learn about Pilates

How? Block booking essential. Call Jenny on 07775 621465 or email jenny@energywisefitness.co.uk to book today.

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